Making copies
For making copies of the records users should specify required records and fill out the request form. In the request form or in the special appendix users should indicate pages and using special marks denote the archival records they require copying. Charges for photocopying and types of copies are determined by the Croatian State Archives’ pricelist, which is annually approved by the Ministry of Culture. The CSA reserves the right to decline photocopying because of preservation, restrictions imposed by the donor or creator, copyright law or other reasons.
Copies from supplementary microfilms acquired from other archives may be made only with the permission of those archives.
In the request form for archival records dating from before the end of 18th century, as well as for specific types of archival records (books, graphics, schemes, maps, photos etc.) which are not allowed to be photocopied, the type of reproduction should be specified.
The reproduction of finding aids, complete fonds and collections, as well as larger parts of them is not allowed.
Users desiring to use their own digital camera must fill out a special request form.